My ideal job would be working at a University or research center related to bioanthropological investigation. I would like to investigate about our origins as a natural species, and about our biological current diversity, actually I aspired to investigate the genetic bases and history of human present diversity. Although, it's a too big goal, so I'd to focus my job in America. More especifically, I'd like to answer a difficult question -: When, how, and who came to America before the european arrived (more exactly conquest)?. I'd also like to compare the answer with results from other countries, regions, continents, etc.
I'm very interested in studying people (and past inhabitans of our continent) using anthropological genetic methods, because the genetic information of these persons may provide us new insights in order to understand the migrations patterns that occured thousand years ago, and to increase our understanding about the H. sapiens history. More specific questions that I'd like to answer are-: who were the first humans that arrived to america?, how was South America colonized?, was there a different population group with distinct physical traits that didn't give rise to present day amerindian populations?, etc.
To get a job as the one I wish, I'll study a lot and I obviouslyneed to get first a Phd in biological anthropology or human genetics . So I have to get many technical skills related to genetic investigation (specially in populations genetics and ancient dna methods). I'm not worry about that, because I believe that my career would give me the basic skills, knowledges and habilities to apply with good qualifications to a post-graduate program.
I think I'd be good at a job with the characteristics that I said, because I really love the things that I want to investigate, I have some kind of obsesion to know the origins of people and animals. I also love cultural and natural history and biology, so I think I won't have any difficulties to learn that subjects. Finally, I think I'd would good at this job because I'm a very perseverant person (specially in the things that I like), and because I love the main subject of my research: America.
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