martes, 23 de junio de 2009

The speech of Ken Robinson

After the I heard the speech of Ken Robinson, I thought for some minutes about some things he said. I really agree with him in some ways and I also found interestings (and sometimes funny) his ideas and thoughts. As he said, I also believe that the current educational system is wrong, because the main objective of this system is to produce people trained principally in the areas or subjects that are usefull for the economic system, who is one of the responsibles of the present educational systems ; it's a vicious circle because the economic system affects the educational one, who is the responsible for educate people and because this systems is heavily influence by the economics forces and interests, it trains people to produce and consume more and more, in order to keep the hegemonic political and economic system; to preserve the status quo. So, this tends to generate marked inequality between the careers, works, etc. that aren't useful directly to the system (arts, literature, phylosophy, social sciences, etc.), and the careers more related to it, such as economics, businnes, managment, etc who're best paid and looking by the public opinion.
I also agree with him, when he talked about the current situation of the education. It's very different than some decades before. Nowdays, it's very difficult to get a job, and a degree isn't a job insurance anymore. Because if that, today you have to study more years. Moreover, because a lot of people don't have the money to study, they have to ask for some loans. So they can't study what they want because the same rules that are working in the economic system are leading the educational one, so it's almost esential to study a well-paid career, to get a good job, in order to pay the loan that you have because you wanted to study, to have a better life, to buy a big car, etc etc. It's a terrible no-end story... and I' dont wanna participate of it...

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